Columbus Folk Dancers


About Us

Since 1953 the Columbus Folk Dancers (CFD) have gathered to experience first-hand (and first-foot) the joys of learning and doing dances from around the world.  These line, circle and couple dances come from a wide variety of countries including (to name just a few!) Albania, Bulgaria, England, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Romania, Sweden and Turkey.

At least one dance is taught or reviewed every week, and many others are easy enough to follow. No partner is required; we’ll pair up when needed.  We don’t wear special costumes, but we recommend comfortable shoes.


We usually dance to recorded music - party nights and special events may include live music. In addition to dancing every Wednesday evening, we

may host an occasional mini-workshop.  See Special Events here.

We pay rent!  Your first visit is free; thereafter please pay $3 per night.  Support us and save money by becoming a member.

CFD is governed by a committee elected from among its members.


CFD is a member of the Recreational Folk Dancers of Columbus.